First Team
Ryan Scougall

Ryan Scougall

Goals scored

Previous clubs

Little Thurrock Dynamos, A1 Sports, Laindon Orient, Rayleigh Town, Runwell Sports & Basildon Town


The central midfielder joined the rovers in October 2023.

Ryan has already played over 200 games in intermediate football and brings a wealth of experience of playing Senior football.

He started out with the u21s of Little Thurrock Dynamos in 2014 before he had spells with Laindon Orient, Rayleigh Town and Runwell Sports until he settled at Basildon Town.

With Basildon, he was part of their rise to their highest ever finish after achieving promotion from the intermediate Premier division to the Thurlow league premier division.

He is an exciting young midfield player with plenty of energy. He can pick a good pass and deliver a great cross when playing out wide. A great addition to the squad.